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Bull Mountain Racers

Information for Parents

Communication with parents is done through email. To be added to the list, email Julianne Trelenberg at WLCCSC_Jackrabbits@outlook.com

The team follows Cross Country Canada’s Long Term Athlete Development model (LTAD) and strives to provide age-appropriate instruction and training for all skiers involved. Further information on the LTAD model can be found at crosscountrybc.ca

Ages 9 and up to whatever! Adults welcome too. Younger energetic skiers welcome.


Official season startup will be in Nov/Dec (snow conditions dependent) at the Bull Mt Ski trails.

Ski practices

6pm to 7:30/8 pm.


1pm to 3pm.

We usually alternate weeks between classic and skating techniques.  The Wednesday and Sunday sessions run at the same time as the Skill Development Programs.


Racing is introduced during ski practices and skiers are encouraged to develop a sport for life healthy lifestyle in a team atmosphere.

Training Camps:

Training camps are an important part of the program for many skiers. There are age limits and skiers should be registered members of a club program for insurance reasons. Camps consist of age related sport skills, training concepts, exercise and having fun with like-minded co-athletes. Many parents assist with the coaching with these events and costs are kept as a non-profit concept.

Regional Snow and Dryland Camps – For athletes aged ~8-16 from the interior; locations and dates found on the Cross Country BC website.


Bull Mountain Racers must be registered in the Skill Development Program (Track Attack / Jackrabbits).  The Racers is a supplemental program, and there is no additional registration cost.

Racing Licences:

  • All skiers competing in the National Championships are required to have a current Nordiq Canada Racing Licence.

  • Skiers in U14 through Open categories, who are planning to compete in the BC Cup Series, Western Canadian Championships or Nor Ams, require either a Nordiq Canada Racing Licence or a Nordiq Canada Day Licence.


Athletes are coached primarily by volunteer coaches.  If you are interested in being involved as a coach, contact Julianne Trelenberg, WLCCSC_Jackrabbits@outlook.com

Bull Mountain Jackrabbits Coach Contact and other info: Text Bev at 250-267-3693.


Skiers need skis, poles and boots for both classic and skate skiing.  Combination boots are recommended for younger skiers.  Skiers should also carry a waist-attached water bottle or other hydration system.

The club has some equipment available for Bull Mountain Racers skiers to rent for the season.  Talk to Julianne Trelenberg about this.